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Ethnomedicinal Plant Collection

Cordillera Administrative Region

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Vitex negundo L.

[USES] MEDICINAL: used as treatment for wounds and bruises;

Vitex negundo L.

[USES] MEDICINAL: used as cure for cough;

Vitex negundo L.

[USES] MEDICINAL: used for medicinal purposes;

Vitex negundo L.

[USES] MEDICINAL: used for medicinal purposes;

Vitex negundo L.

[USES] MEDICINAL: used as cure for cough;

Vitex negundo L.

[USES] MEDICINAL: used in syrup, tablets, and capsules for coughs, colds, fever and asthma;

Vitex negundo L.

[USES] MEDICINAL: used for medicinal purposes;

Vitex negundo L.

[USES] MEDICINAL: used for curing cough, especially for clearing the throat;

Vitex negundo L.

[USES] MEDICINAL: used for medicinal purposes;

Vitex negundo L.

[USES] MEDICINAL: used to cure for cough through boiling;

Wollastonia dentata (H.Lév. &...

[USES] MEDICINAL: used as an herbal medicine for worms, bleeding gums, dysentery, diptheria, etc.;

Wollastonia dentata (H.Lév. &...

[USES] MEDICINAL: used as an herbal medicine for worms, bleeding gums, dysentery, diptheria, etc.;

Wollastonia dentata (H.Lév. &...

[USES] MEDICINAL: used as an herbal medicine for worms, bleeding gums, dysentery, diptheria, etc.;

Wollastonia dentata (H.Lév. &...

[USES] MEDICINAL: used as an herbal medicine for worms, bleeding gums, dysentery, diptheria, etc.; ORN...

Wrightia pubescens R.Br.

[USES] MEDICINAL: used to remedy loose bowel movement (LBM);

Youngia japonica (L.) DC.

Oriental false hawksbeard

[USES] MEDICINAL: used as an antidote for snake bites and cures boils;

Zea mays L.

[USES] MEDICINAL: used for medicinal purposes; FOOD: used for consumption;

Zea mays L.

[USES] MEDICINAL: used for treating cough, bladder ulcer, and urinary infections;

Zingiber officinale Roscoe


[USES] MEDICINAL: used as medicine for sprain, cough, etc.; FOOD: used as a spice for cooking;

Zingiber officinale Roscoe

Ginger (English)

[USES] MEDICINAL: used for medicinal purposes; FOOD: used as seasoning for cooking;

Zingiber officinale Roscoe


[USES] MEDICINAL: used as treatment for cough; FOOD: used for consumption as tea;

Zingiber officinale Roscoe


[USES] MEDICINAL: used for treating acute bacillary dysentery, intestinal obstruction, nausea, vomitin...

Zingiber zerumbet (L.) Rosco...

[USES] MEDICINAL: used for medicinal purposes;

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